polly the rubbish cat

Meeeow, I'm polly the cat. I'm very lazy, and really really rubbish. If I could be bothered, I'd write and draw my own comic strips, but I'm such a lazy arse I get someone else to do them for me. They're all true stories, Meeeow!

My Photo
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

Artist and wonder.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Meeeeeeowwwww - word on the sofa / bed / warm-bit-in-the-hallway says that the person that draws me has a lovely posh updated website here roryroryrory.com and cordially invites one and all to have a nose around to find mice, milkins, dinner, or a comfortable place to nap. Meeeeooooooooowwwwwww

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

*yawn* Golly, it's been ages since I posted anything here. I've probably just been sleeping and going through bins. *Meeeeoow!*

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Meeeow, I have such active and eventfull days, you'll probably get bowled over by just how reckless and wild I am. Meeeow!

Meeeow, this is how I play games. Lots of love, Polly xxx

Meeeow, here's my first ever comic strip. It's all about me-eeeeow.